Exchange program department

IAAS Conversation Club (ICC)

A focus group discussion activity that is open to public both IAAS and non-IAAS members, the participants will discuss one of the themes which is related to agriculture and related sciences. This activity is intended to improve skills and confidence in speaking English.


The National Exchange Program or Exchange Program Nasional is an activity that facilitates students to learn as well as direct practice in the agricultural sector and related sciences at the national institutions, also helps students to create an open perspective and think globally. This activity will be carried out for 7 months including job raising activities, hello expro and promotion, as well as Expronas activities itself.

Human Resource Development Department

IAAS Hunts for New Members

An event from IAAS for looking the future leaders of the world to be a part of our IAAS Family!

Building on Success (BOS)

An event where you can learn more about IAAS and improve your soft skills with IAAS.


An event to get fun with IAAS family.

IAAS Orientation Program

IAAS Orientation Program is a program that aims to equip new IAAS LC IPB members through training and mini practice for self-development and formation as IAAS members. IOP is also the first step for new IAAS LC IPB members from Candidate Member to IOP member.

CC: Tablets

Tablets are the initial program in training IAAS Members to recognize the prefixes of Team Building and Leadership. The purpose of this activity is management capital in starting a cabinet term.

Public Relation and Partnership Department

PRP Class

Public Relations and Partnership Class (PRP Class) is a program of the Public Relations and Partnership Department of IAAS LC IPB as a means to hone the soft and hard skills of IAAS LC IPB members. This activity is in the form of workshop on public relation and partnership fields according to a predetermined theme.


IAAS Graduation or I-Grad is an appreciation session held by External Department on every graduation. In this special moment, we celebrate IAAS members who are graduating and wish them luck on their next stage of life!


IAAS Gathering or I-Gath is an event held once every two years. Both IAAS members and alumni are invited to this wonderful event. This is a great opportunity for the members and alumni to share their knowledge and experience, and also to relive their joyful time in IAAS LC IPB.

IAAS Conversation Club Goes to External

ICC Goes to External (IGTE) is a collaboration program between External Department and Exchange Program Department. In this event, we take IAAS Conversation Club (ICC) to Governmental Organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations. This is a fun way to learn and discuss current issues on agricultural and related sciences. Participants are welcomed to share their thoughts and opinions while practicing to converse in English!

project department


A learning activity was held at a social institution by volunteers from IAAS LC IPB members, and non-IAAS member about agriculture and how to behave properly. This event also trains volunteers on how to provide knowledge to children and increases the interest and knowledge of students and social institutions.


Ngariung is an activity to gather and discuss farmer groups in Jabal Rahmah village guided by a speaker who is an expert in agriculture to discuss agriculture problems in their village. Ngariung was held by IAAS LC IPB in collaboration with the Kampung Jabal Rahmah farmer group.

VCP Product

Village Concept Project (Product) is a medium for increasing the insights of women in Jabal Rahmah Village about the use of farm products and innovation to increase their market value by exchanging ideas with college students. The activity is expected to increase productivity and economic growth of Jabal Rahmah Village by engage the women to make a village product.


YACT is an educational event for youth to get care more about Indonesian agriculture. There are three series of YACT activities, namely YACT Goes to School, YACT Goes to VCP, and YACT Social Campaign.

Science and technology department


I-Class is a class for both IAAS and non-IAAS members where we invite alumni in agricultural and related sciences as the speakers. In this class, we can discuss, share our experience and knowledge with other participants as well.


I-Facts is an activity for STD department to make 500 words brief articles and make it more interesting to share it as an infographic that will be published on IAAS social media. You can check some of our I-Facts Articles in here 

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IAAS Visit to Industries (IVTI) is one of the work programs of the Science and Technology department of IAAS LC IPB which is carried out in the form of field trips to agricultural industries or related sciences.

Check our instagram account @iaaslcipb to get the latest updates about our programs!

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